
Gísla saga Súrssonar, part 5.


In the next Þing Gísli is declared an outlaw. In medieval times in Iceland this meant that anyone could kill you without any legal consequences. Being outlawed did not last forever so if you managed to sit it out in hiding you were more or less clear once the time had passed, so this is exactly what Gísli plans to do next: he hides at one farm and two caves for the next three years.


Bork gets suspicious about some random dude that has all of a sudden began to live around a certain area. He bullies an Eyjólfur who sends a spy who comes back to tell him that some random dude has all of a sudden began to live around a certain area. Bork gets more suspicious.

Gísli: "I saw these two bitches in my dream and one of them's a real fancy bitch but the other one's a hagbag. The real fancy one took me to this party with seven fires lit and was like, sry but you only have this many years left sry."


Bork: "Eyjólfur you're a wuss."

Eyjólfur: "Ok I'll send that spy out again I'm not a wuss."

Helgi the Spy: "There's some random dude there that has all of a sudden began to live around that certain area."

Eyjólfur: "That was helpful. Auður is Gísli here?"

Auður: "No?"

Eyjólfur: "We could maim you."

Auður: "You could try to."

Eyjólfur: "Ok sry for the trouble we're going home please put that down,"

Gísli: "Þorkell halp."

Þorkell: "No."

Gísli: "Well hate you too at least give me money, a lot of it!"

Þorkell: "Sure thing, here you go."

Þorgerður: "I'm a new character, just in case you couldn't tell because my name's Þor-something too! Gísli you can stay at my place. I have an awesome secret underground room."


In the spring Gísli goes straight back to Auður because Auður's so cute. The summer's ok but in the autumn Gísli begins to dream more and more about that hagbag bitch he saw in his dreams before and now she soaks him in vats of blood.

So Gísli goes back to Þorgerður, the same lady as the previous year, and spends another winter at her place. The summer he spends again at Auður's, and the next autumn he goes to meet his brother Þorkell again.

Gísli: "Halp."

Þorkell: "No. But have a boat."

Gísli: "You'll die before I die mark my words."

Þorkell: "Pish posh."

Gísli sails out and then wrecks the boat and lets it float along the stream so that people who see it will think that he took it from his brother and sailed it on a rock like a nuubie and is now dead. Then he goes to a dude called Ingjaldur.


Ingjalfur has two slaves, Svartur (male) and Bóthildur (female). His son's name is Helgi and he's an idiot.

Gísli stays at Ingjalfur's for three more years, always returning to Auður for the summers. He makes lots of awesome carpentry stuff and people are like hmmm since when was Ingjalfur so handy? So Eyjólfur sends his spy again.

Helgi the Spy: "I'm so ill I cannot move but it's ok if you go about your business and sail away, Ingjalfur. I'm harmless and def not snooping around."

Þorgerður: "Scuse me I'm just taking this plate of food and throwing it in this barn here none of your business."

Helgi: "That's suspicious. I shall climb onto this roof here."

Helgi: *falls off the roof like nuubie*

Þorgerður: "The fuk you up to."

Helgi: "Uh... fever? High fever! Yes I was following the height of my fever! It was telling me to rise because it... too... was rising... er..."

Þorgerður: "Just go back to bed."

Helgi: "Yeah."

Then Þorgerður takes the food to Gísli and Helgi follows, naturally. The next day he's magically well again and goes back to Bork and is like, there's this random dude there that has all of a sudden began to live around that certain area and Bork is like, AHA and sails to Ingjalfur's.

Part 6.

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