
Laxdæla saga, part 6.


Hrútur: "I shall free a slave of mine and give him my brother Höskuldur's lands this is fair and ok."

Höskuldur: "Wat."

Freeman: "I shall sit at my home quietl- argl."

Þorleikur: "I'm Höskuldur's son and lol no you didn't."

Hrútur: "This pisses me off."

Þorleikur: "Oh cute I had a baby! I'll name him Bolli. Remember this name, NOW we're finally done with the family trees and the REAL saga can begin!"


Höskuldur: "I'm going to adopt that Ólafur Peacock so that part of my money will go to him when I die."

Bárður: "Ok."

Þorleikur: "WTF NO."

Höskuldur: "Do I need to remind you how much hotter Ólafur is than you Þorleikur."

Þorleikur: "...well ok."

After this Höskuldur dies of old age. A man who can survive zombie attacks can probably count on that kind of a death.


Ólafur: "Everyone come have a funeral party at our place!"

About a thousand people show up, see you don't need a FB account to make this stuff happen.

Ólafur: "I'm going to foster your son, Þorleikur."

Þorleikur: "Here have the brat, btw I truly appreciate the favour."


Ólafur: "Ok now I'm going to make some children of my own."

Ólafur: *has gazillion babies*

The oldest of the kids is called Kjartan and he turns out to be a man of some amazing amount of sex appeal, no surprise considering his dad is Ólafur the Hottie Peacock. Bolli is also a hottie. All the fujoshi reading this, it's perfectly ok to ship these two you'll see later on why.


Ólafur: "Now that I've made gazillion babies and taken on a foster son I'll just go abroad, have fun single parenting this lot."

Þorgerður: "Wait - no - COME BACK HERE YOU -"

Earl Hákon: "Whoah you're still a hottie. Yes you can have whatever you want."

Ólafur: "Cool." *chopchopchop*

(He was just cutting down some trees why are you readers always expecting the worst?)

Ólafur: "Er, why's there a random lad in my longboat now?"

Geirmundur: "I'm a paying customer and I'd like to file a complaint for your unpleasant attitude, who's your manager? Also give me your daughter Þuríður."

Ólafur: "NO."

Þorgerður: "Sure, have her, it's a deal."

Þorgerður: "What." :D7

Part 7.

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