
Egils saga, part 13.


Þórður Egill's cousin invites him over to a party.

Skalla-Grímur: "Egill can you give me some silver."

Egill: "Dude you have two chests full of money, why do you need mine?"

Skalla-Grímur: "I have plans."

Then while Egill is at the party Skalla-Grímur goes and hides his silver somewhere. Btw it's never been found so if you want to become rich come on over and find Skalla-Grímur's silver treasure!

Then he comes home and dies at the table. The house people are all ty berry much in the morning when they find him and realize that the rigor mortis is already so well set in that they can't get the corpse away from the table, and eventually Egill makes a hole in the wall so they can get him out.

Saga says Skalla-Grímur was buried with no special treasure, just some horses and smithery. Well, one could say he did the treasure burying so they didn't have to bother.


Meanwhile in Norway: a wild Hákon appears! Hákon uses overpowering force. It's super-effective! King Eiríkur has fled the land!

Eiríkur goes to England and robs the coast blind. Aðalsteinn's like wtf dude no, gives him a lot of land and hires him. But don't consider this option if you happen to be jobless it may have been a one time lucky strike and anyway are you a king?

Gunnhildur still has an axe to grind so she magics Egill to want to come over.

Egill: "I suddenly want to sail over the sea. This must be a good plan."

Gunnhildur: "Well finally! Now let me magic a storm too that'll blow you right on our shore."

Egill: "Oh shat. This feels a bit bad."

Egill: "Hay random dude, can you go ask Arinbjörn if he'll come see me?"

Random dude: "Hay Arinbjörn, there's a guy to see you outside, big as a troll."

Arinbjörn: "...I hate my life..."


Arinbjörn: "And now you say you're stuck here huh? Well, nothing to it. We'll just have to go grovel at Eiríkur a LOT. Btw you better behave."

Egill: "No prob!"

Eiríkur: "How about I just kill him just the same?"

Gunnhildur: "Yeah!"

Arinbjörn: "Well according to the law killing anyone in the night is a murder so how about no."

Eiríkur: "Ok then I'll just kill him in the morning. Remember to return him then ok."

Arinbjörn: "One Bragi I know was in your situation a while ago, Egill, and he got out by composing a poem to the king Björn of Sweden. How about you try the same?"

Egill: "Ok."

Arinbjörn: "It best be a good poem too. And no funny business!"

Egill: "Aw."


Arinbjörn: "How's it going?"

Egill: "Not well. There's that bird chirping at me right outside the window."

Arinbjörn: "Shoo bird."

Plot twist: bird was actually Gunnhildur who can shape-change.


Arinbjörn: "Goor morni-"

Gunnhildur: "OFF WITH HIS HEAD"

Arinbjörn: Oh come on at least listen to the poem will you?"

Gunnhildur: "NO"

Eiríkur: "If it's a poem about how I'm awesome I'm all for it!"

Egill: *sings 20 staves of how awesome king Eiríkur is*

This is super effective.


Eiríkur: "Ok Egill has sufficiently petted my ego. He can keep his head but mind you I don't want to see said head ever again in my life am I making myself clear."

Arinbjörn + Egill: *run like fuk*

Aðalsteinn: "Yo."

Arinbjörn + Egill: "Yo."

Part 14.

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