
Eyrbyggja saga, part 13. FINAL PART.


Álfur runs to Snorri, who gets the rest of the bad news soon after. Snorri does

- absolutely nothing.

People: "Damn, that Snorri's such a coward."

Snorri: *still does nothing*


There's a guy called Þrándur who's kind of awesome and used to be a berserker before he got baptized. Sadly the holy water apparently washed his berserk powers away.

Snorri calls Þrándur over and he's so eager for it that he sneaks out of his own house in the middle of the night just to start the work. Snorri has to talk to him for a bit to calm him down enough so that he'll at least get some sleep first.


Snorri also calls a Sturla, who was one of the men to whom the beached whale carcass would have rightfully belonged to.

Óspakur: "I'm not giving back anything. How about you lot just fuck off?"

Snorri: "Oh shut."

More fighting ensues. Óspakur's men defend their walls by throwing rocks at Snorri's troops, but Snorri's had a good time getting lots of arrows ready. Miraculously no one dies.

Þrándur scaled the wall and hacks a Hrafn on his way. Meanwhile Sturla throws a spear through Óspakur and then makes damn sure no one else chops him but him. His men quickly call a truce and since Snorri's men have more or less spent everything they can shoot or throw at them they agree.

Snorri let's Óspakur's wife and son, Glúmur, go on living in the house. Glúmur later marries a Þórdís whose brother is none other than Grettir, yes, that Grettir.


Meanwhile since Arnkell died his dad Þórólfur Lame has zombied up once again. What a stubborn asshole.

Þóroddur: "We really have to do something about this."

He gathers some men and they go dig Þórolfur up. He's still not rotten and puts up some passive aggressive defenses but they manage to prop him on a pyre and burn him.

Whoops, wind scatters his ashes all over the area.


There's a cow, a daughter of cow who probably was a daughter of yet another cow and -

Yes yes yes. The cow breaks her leg but is so thin they'll not kill her. When the cow's better they lead her to graze in the area where they burned a zombie not a long time ago. Fishermen near the area claim they're now seeing cow with a gray bull. Then cow goes missing.

Cow is found heavily preg. Cow gives birth to two calves, one of which is a gray bull, and dies. Poor cow.


Þóroddur's foster-mother: "That calf has an awful voice, better kill it asap ok?"

Þóroddur: "Come ooooon -"

Bull calf: "BLEAT"

Þóroddur's foster-mother: "I mean now."

Þóroddur: "Ok ok ok..."

Þóroddur: *kills the other calf, hides the bull*

Bull calf: "BLEEEAAAT"

Þóroddur's foster-mother: "Y'all are taking me for an idiot?"


Þóroddur's foster-mother: "I keep telling you to kill that beast!"

Þóroddur: "Come oooon... let him fatten a bit for autumn and then -"

Þóroddur's foster-mother: "And I'm telling you now."

The bull goes berserk and everyone's afraid of it. Þóroddur goes and tries to kill it and a long bull wrestle begins.

Workers come over to help, buss runs into a swamp and sinks into it.

Alas, Þóroddur dies.


There's a guy called Guðleifur. He goes to Ireland but gets lost in a storm and his ship ends up at a strange land. The people of this strange land speak Irish and promptly tie up the crew and begin discussing whether it'd be better to kill them all right away or just deal them out as slaves.

A random awesome dude rides past and wants to have a word with the prisoners.

Awesome dude gets immediately interested when he finds out the crew is from Iceland. Asks a LOT of questions about Snorri's sister Þuríður and her son, Kjartan.

Awesome dude: "It's prolly best you guys leave this place immediately. Oh, take this gold ring to Þuríður and this awesome sword to Kjartan."

Guðleifur: "Sure thing but who do I say sent them?"

Awesome dude: "Well... you could tell them I'm a good friend of Þuríður and not-so-good-friend of her brother Snorri. Let's leave my name a total mystery and I'm sure nobody will be able to guess who I am."


Snorri grows older, meddles with a lot of affairs and eventually people just give up being enemies with him. We find out he had at least 18 children so somehow he has also managed to fit a LOT of boinking to all of the scheming and fighting told in this saga.


But I wanted to read the whole saga! - Sure thing, you can start here at the first chapter.

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