Vigdís: "I'll so divorce that Þórður. Thanks for the help Ásgautur slave, I'll free you for that. Here's some money and you can also tell me what you wish to have more than anything and you'll have it."
Ásgautur: "Anything? I wanna leave Iceland, this place sucks!"
The people of Hvamm give Þórður trouble after the divorce and he goes to Höskuldur and is like, I'll foster that slave-born Ólafur of yours if you help me out and leave him everything I own when I die. Melkorka's like, shit no, but Höskuldur's like, sure thing ok.
Ever wanted to learn Icelandic Sagas but simply did not have the time to wade through huge books? Or picked up one and got so well-bored by the endless string of forebears mentioned for each character you couldn't finish it? Fear not, dear reader, for I have the solution! I have read them for you and here they are, as simple and easy as they can possibly be!
Laxdæla saga, part 3.
Þórður the Good doesn't like Víga-Hrappur either, sucks to have him as a neighbour methinks.
Höskuldur's jealous for his neighbours' awesome houses so he goes to Norway.
Þórður the Good doesn't like Víga-Hrappur either, sucks to have him as a neighbour methinks.
Höskuldur's jealous for his neighbours' awesome houses so he goes to Norway.
Laxdæla saga, part 2.
There was this dude on the same longboat with Unnur, whose name is Hörður. Hörður's son is Ásbjörn whose daughter is Ingibjörg whose sons were Hermundur and Gunnlaugur Ormstunga. Remember that last chap he's got his own saga. No none of this has anything to do with this saga lol.
(Other than that it's a bit unnerving to read these family trees and realize that everyone's basically marrying their uncles and cousins.)
There was this dude on the same longboat with Unnur, whose name is Hörður. Hörður's son is Ásbjörn whose daughter is Ingibjörg whose sons were Hermundur and Gunnlaugur Ormstunga. Remember that last chap he's got his own saga. No none of this has anything to do with this saga lol.
(Other than that it's a bit unnerving to read these family trees and realize that everyone's basically marrying their uncles and cousins.)
Laxdæla saga, part 1.
The coin has spoken! Next to be re-written is Laxdæla saga. Strap yourselves in, there might be some familiar people in this story.
Let's start with the family trees then -
- sigh -
Ketill Flatnose has five children. Two sons: Björn the Eastman and Helgi WhosenicknameIcannottranslatesry, and three daughters: Þórunn Horned, Unnur Deepminded and Jórunn Smartasaman. Keep this Unnur in mind.
Let's start with the family trees then -
- sigh -
Ketill Flatnose has five children. Two sons: Björn the Eastman and Helgi WhosenicknameIcannottranslatesry, and three daughters: Þórunn Horned, Unnur Deepminded and Jórunn Smartasaman. Keep this Unnur in mind.
Gísla saga Súrssonar, part 8 (final part).
Gísli kills more people. Two guys called Þórir and Þórður who are Eyjólfur's kin spear and hack Gísli a bit but he just gathers up his guts (literally) and ties them onto his belly and keeps fighting and singing at the same time. Then he chops Þórður in half and finally dies. More men die that Gísli wounded before, lemme check, yeah he killed single-handedly 2/3 of the attackers.
Eyjólfur: "Somehow I'm still not feeling any better even though I finally managed to kill him."
Gísli kills more people. Two guys called Þórir and Þórður who are Eyjólfur's kin spear and hack Gísli a bit but he just gathers up his guts (literally) and ties them onto his belly and keeps fighting and singing at the same time. Then he chops Þórður in half and finally dies. More men die that Gísli wounded before, lemme check, yeah he killed single-handedly 2/3 of the attackers.
Eyjólfur: "Somehow I'm still not feeling any better even though I finally managed to kill him."
Hello, and a very Merry Bobmas to all!
So hi, this entry has nothing what so ever to do with Gísla saga Súrssonar but everything to do with what happens next. There's only one more entry worth of Gísla saga, so now I'm looking at what I might re-write next. My options are:
* Laxdæla saga
* Hervarar saga ok Heidreks konungs
* Eiríks saga rauða + Grænlendiga saga (these two make what we now know as "Vinland sagas", compare with the awesome manga version Vinland saga)
I thought that since I seem to have a surprising amount of people from various countries reading my blog (hello and a very merry Yule to Iceland, USA, Germany, Russia, UK, Israel, Finland, Denmark, Belgium, Italy, Japan and Canada)(in order of appearance iow in order of blog views) it might be best to ask what you guys would prefer to read about. I know it's not an easy choice, in particular because I'm giving only three choices, but in case you want to have a vote, here's some additional info on the three:
Laxdæla saga: one of the most loved Icelandic three-way love triangles.
Hervarar saga ok Heidreks konungs: shieldmaidens! This is not an Icelandic saga, mind. It happens most likely in south Sweden.
Vinland sögur: Icelanders found America.
I will be equally open to other suggestions if you have a saga you really, really, really want to be re-written in short form here, so if yours is none of these three just drop me a note! Even if it doesn't get chosen as the next one you might pump it forward in the queue!
(In case you don't have preferences I'll just flip a coin. I can flip a coin among three options, yes. It'll be heads, tails or edge.)
* Laxdæla saga
* Hervarar saga ok Heidreks konungs
* Eiríks saga rauða + Grænlendiga saga (these two make what we now know as "Vinland sagas", compare with the awesome manga version Vinland saga)
I thought that since I seem to have a surprising amount of people from various countries reading my blog (hello and a very merry Yule to Iceland, USA, Germany, Russia, UK, Israel, Finland, Denmark, Belgium, Italy, Japan and Canada)(in order of appearance iow in order of blog views) it might be best to ask what you guys would prefer to read about. I know it's not an easy choice, in particular because I'm giving only three choices, but in case you want to have a vote, here's some additional info on the three:
Laxdæla saga: one of the most loved Icelandic three-way love triangles.
Hervarar saga ok Heidreks konungs: shieldmaidens! This is not an Icelandic saga, mind. It happens most likely in south Sweden.
Vinland sögur: Icelanders found America.
I will be equally open to other suggestions if you have a saga you really, really, really want to be re-written in short form here, so if yours is none of these three just drop me a note! Even if it doesn't get chosen as the next one you might pump it forward in the queue!
(In case you don't have preferences I'll just flip a coin. I can flip a coin among three options, yes. It'll be heads, tails or edge.)
Gísla saga Súrssonar, part 7.
Helgi the Spy goes to spy again and he's with this guy called Hávarður who's Gestur's friend. Helgi sees Gísli's hideout and decides to build a stone heap to mark the place from where they saw it, but after it's done he falls asleep and Hávarður takes the whole thing apart. Then he drops a huge boulder right next to Helgi's ear.
Helgi the Spy: "OMG it was Gísli, let's fucking run -!"
Eyjólfur: "So... where's that stone pile then?"
Hávarður: "IDK ask Helgi, he made it."
Eyjólfur: "Forfuksakes... ok let's go home but first let's go meet that Auður again."
Helgi the Spy goes to spy again and he's with this guy called Hávarður who's Gestur's friend. Helgi sees Gísli's hideout and decides to build a stone heap to mark the place from where they saw it, but after it's done he falls asleep and Hávarður takes the whole thing apart. Then he drops a huge boulder right next to Helgi's ear.
Helgi the Spy: "OMG it was Gísli, let's fucking run -!"
Eyjólfur: "So... where's that stone pile then?"
Hávarður: "IDK ask Helgi, he made it."
Eyjólfur: "Forfuksakes... ok let's go home but first let's go meet that Auður again."
Gísla saga Súrssonar, part 6.
Ingjaldur: "Whoops that's Bork's ship coming this way and no mistake. Ok, let's row ourselves to that island over there and defend ourselves to DEATH."
Gísli: "I've a better idea and it worked for me once before. Take that male slave with you instead and pretend he's me, and then I'll go sit in a boat with Bóthildur."
Bóthildur: "K."
Gísli: "And I'll logically also pretend to be Helgi the idiot, Ingjaldur's son."
Bork: "Hey you two there in the boat!"
Bóthildur: "Yeah?"
Gísli: *rolls in fishnets*
Bork: "I'm looking for Gísli, seen him? What about Ingjaldur"
Gísli: "Saladlettuce mjahmjah tarschnnnnnaps!"
Bóthildur: "Ingjaldur's somewhere, maybe there's some Gísli."
Bork: "Let's go men!"
Ingjaldur: "Whoops that's Bork's ship coming this way and no mistake. Ok, let's row ourselves to that island over there and defend ourselves to DEATH."
Gísli: "I've a better idea and it worked for me once before. Take that male slave with you instead and pretend he's me, and then I'll go sit in a boat with Bóthildur."
Bóthildur: "K."
Gísli: "And I'll logically also pretend to be Helgi the idiot, Ingjaldur's son."
Bork: "Hey you two there in the boat!"
Bóthildur: "Yeah?"
Gísli: *rolls in fishnets*
Bork: "I'm looking for Gísli, seen him? What about Ingjaldur"
Gísli: "Saladlettuce mjahmjah tarschnnnnnaps!"
Bóthildur: "Ingjaldur's somewhere, maybe there's some Gísli."
Bork: "Let's go men!"
Gísla saga Súrssonar, part 5.
In the next Þing Gísli is declared an outlaw. In medieval times in Iceland this meant that anyone could kill you without any legal consequences. Being outlawed did not last forever so if you managed to sit it out in hiding you were more or less clear once the time had passed, so this is exactly what Gísli plans to do next: he hides at one farm and two caves for the next three years.
In the next Þing Gísli is declared an outlaw. In medieval times in Iceland this meant that anyone could kill you without any legal consequences. Being outlawed did not last forever so if you managed to sit it out in hiding you were more or less clear once the time had passed, so this is exactly what Gísli plans to do next: he hides at one farm and two caves for the next three years.
Gísla saga Súrssonar, part 4.
Gísli: "Auður, stay up a bit I need to go out tonight."
He sneaks to Þorgrímur's house and in the dark he accidentally gropes his sister in the boob, but she thinks it was Þorgrímur instead, and that for some reason he had really cold hands. So Gísli spears Þorgrímur and escapes, and because the whole house just had a party everyone's still too drunk to do anything about it right away.
Gísli: "Auður, stay up a bit I need to go out tonight."
He sneaks to Þorgrímur's house and in the dark he accidentally gropes his sister in the boob, but she thinks it was Þorgrímur instead, and that for some reason he had really cold hands. So Gísli spears Þorgrímur and escapes, and because the whole house just had a party everyone's still too drunk to do anything about it right away.
Gísla saga Súrssonar, part 3.
Suddenly! Vésteinn arrives to Iceland! And is going to Gísli's place!
Gísli: "Shitshitshitshitshit!"
Suddenly! Vésteinn arrives to Iceland! And is going to Gísli's place!
Gísli: "Shitshitshitshitshit!"
Gísla saga Súrssonar, part 2.
Arnór, who apparently loves to gossip, runs around the Þing telling Þorkell and Gísli that everyone thinks they're wussies because they don't go sit at the court to listen to court cases. Oh yeah I forgot to mention but their brother Ari was sent off as a small child to be fostered by another family and hence never came to Iceland. ANYWAY -
Gísli: "We better go and prove everyone we're manly enough to sit at the court."
Gestur: "Gísli, Þorkell, Vésteinn and Þorgrímur won't stay friends for three years, if even that much."
Arnór: "GísliGísliGísli guess what people are saying about you now!"
Gísli: "Well we'll just make a blood oath, see how they like that!"
Þorgrímur: "I don wana be bloodbros with that Vésteinn he's a bore."
Gísli: "Say what? Well you're a bore too and me and him are somewhat related. This was a bad idea let's not take the oath after all."
Arnór, who apparently loves to gossip, runs around the Þing telling Þorkell and Gísli that everyone thinks they're wussies because they don't go sit at the court to listen to court cases. Oh yeah I forgot to mention but their brother Ari was sent off as a small child to be fostered by another family and hence never came to Iceland. ANYWAY -
Gísli: "We better go and prove everyone we're manly enough to sit at the court."
Gestur: "Gísli, Þorkell, Vésteinn and Þorgrímur won't stay friends for three years, if even that much."
Arnór: "GísliGísliGísli guess what people are saying about you now!"
Gísli: "Well we'll just make a blood oath, see how they like that!"
Þorgrímur: "I don wana be bloodbros with that Vésteinn he's a bore."
Gísli: "Say what? Well you're a bore too and me and him are somewhat related. This was a bad idea let's not take the oath after all."
Gísla saga Súrssonar, part 1.
It's bears to notice that with Gísla saga Súrssonar the English "translation" that is up at the Icelandic Saga Database is so different from the Icelandic one that they might as well be two different stories. The saga I'm writing here is the Icelandic version, not the English.
Brennu-Njáls saga, part 18. Final part!
Flosi: "Ok so we're banished and all, I get it. I just hope we hadn't been washed ashore on the island where the Njálssons used to work at..."
Earl Sigurður: "Hey you heard about my former bodyguard Helgi how's he doing?"
Flosi: "Not so good since I chopped his head off."
Earl Sigurður: "WAT"
Þorsteinn: "Look it's ok I'll give you all my money if you let him go please please my sister's married to this Flosi guy and she'll have my guts for garters if-"
Earl Sigurður: "I see. Well, Flosi, consider yourself hired as my bodyguard."
Flosi: "Ok so we're banished and all, I get it. I just hope we hadn't been washed ashore on the island where the Njálssons used to work at..."
Earl Sigurður: "Hey you heard about my former bodyguard Helgi how's he doing?"
Flosi: "Not so good since I chopped his head off."
Earl Sigurður: "WAT"
Þorsteinn: "Look it's ok I'll give you all my money if you let him go please please my sister's married to this Flosi guy and she'll have my guts for garters if-"
Earl Sigurður: "I see. Well, Flosi, consider yourself hired as my bodyguard."
Brennu-Njáls saga, part 17.
Before I even start on this one I will ask you all to fasten your seatbelts and keep your limbs inside the car during the ride. No weapons are allowed, this is Alþingi. I repeat, no weapARGL
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